" is the first one that I have seen. I have not had time yet to read it thoroughly, but here is an initial review. "14/18 La Suisse et la Grande Guerre
Incidentally the striking but at first perplexing photograph on the cover shows a hot air balloon being transported by water from Lac de Neuchâtel to Lac de Bienne in 1915.
I am pleased to see that the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War has led to the publication of a number of books in Switzerland on that country's history during the conflict. Incidentally the striking but at first perplexing photograph on the cover shows a hot air balloon being transported by water from Lac de Neuchâtel to Lac de Bienne in 1915.
"14/18 La Suisse et la Grande Guerre" is edited by Roman Rossfeld, Thomas Buomberger and Patrick Kury, and is published by the German publisher Hier und Jetzt. At the publisher's suggestion, I got my copy from the German publishing distributor Brockhaus, but at the time of writing it is also available elsewhere. My copy is in French, and it is also available in German as "14/18 Die Schweiz und der Grosse Krieg". The book accompanies the touring exhibition of the same name, which over the years 2014-2017 will travel to seven different venues in Switzerland: see this website for more information.
Exhibition, book and website were all produced by the association of historians "Die Schweiz im Ersten Weltkrieg" or "La Suisse dans la Première Guerre mondiale". According their website, this association "is dedicated to analyse the history of Switzerland during this period and make it understandable to a wide audience. The war upset and shook Switzerland as few events before. However, it remains unknown to many Swiss." As you might expect, I fully approve of these aims!
Exhibition, book and website were all produced by the association of historians "Die Schweiz im Ersten Weltkrieg" or "La Suisse dans la Première Guerre mondiale". According their website, this association "is dedicated to analyse the history of Switzerland during this period and make it understandable to a wide audience. The war upset and shook Switzerland as few events before. However, it remains unknown to many Swiss." As you might expect, I fully approve of these aims!
Example page: (C) Hier und Jetzt.
The book is printed on good quality paper in an attractive format. There are 16 chapters covering a variety of topics, with many illustrations in both colour and black and white image. Simply skimming through the book and glancing at images and captions will reveal considerable information.
A thorough perusal of the book's sixteen chapters will be even more profitable. The chapters - which are contributed by a total of 25 scholars - are divided into four parts, covering respectively:
Example page: (C) Hier und Jetzt.
A thorough perusal of the book's sixteen chapters will be even more profitable. The chapters - which are contributed by a total of 25 scholars - are divided into four parts, covering respectively:
- Mobilisation, the occupation of the frontiers and national cohesion.
- Economic aspects of wartime Switzerland, including the war's impact on food supplies and everyday life.
- Swiss neutrality and international humanitarian work, including the internment of prisoners of war in Switzerland.
- Government and private support for the Swiss population against the hardships of wartime; the 1918 General Strike; the place of the First World War in Swiss cultural memory.
Example page: (C) Hier und Jetzt.
There are references at the end of each chapter, a twelve-page bibliography, and credits for all the photographs and other images that feature. These are useful features for readers who want to take research further.
I have not yet had time to read the chapters in detail, but they clearly contain a wealth of information and I look forward to going through them as fast as my (admittedly limited) French allows! In coming months I aim to summarise some aspects of the contents of this book here on my website, to bring some of the fruits of this expert research to an English-speaking audience. If you can read French or German however, I would definitely encourage you to get hold of a copy of this excellent book!